General School Counseling Information
College and Career Curriculum and MyCAP
Community Resources
College Admissions Resources
College Admission Testing
Frequently Used Links:
College Board
NCAA Eligibility Center
Common Application
Coalition App
Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS) Counseling Model
MTSS is a framework that many schools use to provide targeted support to students. The goal is to provide support for all students, screen and intervene early for students who may need additional support, and deliver targeted, evidence-based interventions directly. Data collection and progress monitoring occurs regularly for students accessing additional tiered support.

The Counseling Team provides a number of tiered support services to our students and families:

Tier 1: Universal Support - All students have access to the supports, services, or interventions.
Social-Emotional Learning
Mental Health Memo archive
Blue Raider Block
Hopedale Counselors Google Site & Resources
Screening, Brief Intervention and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT)
MetroWest Adolescent Health Survey
Universal Mental Health Screening
NAN Project
Guidance Lessons
Open Door Policy / Walk-In Hours with Counselors

Tier 2: Targeted Support - Students have access to additional short duration, individualized and/or small group support.
Counselor Check-Ins
Group Support (i.e. Anxiety; Study Skills; DBT)
Connecting Students to Mental Health Supports
You Inc School-Based Counseling Referral

Tier 3: Intensive Support - Students have access to longer duration, Individualized interventions.
Regular Individual Counseling Sessions
504 or IEP Referral
BCBA Referral
Close Collaboration and Coordination with Outside Providers
Refer to Community Agencies

Tier 4: Critical Need - Students are provided immediate crisis support and post-crisis care.
Mobile Crisis/Hospitalization Programs
Close Collaboration with Doctors, Therapists, Psychiatrists, In-Home Supports
Bridge Program Referral for Continued Intensive Academic and Emotional Support Post-Crisis for Reintegration into School Community